Pre-purchase surveys - Phi Consulting Engineers - Civil, Structural & Architectural Design

Contact Details
Cork: 55 South Mall, Cork, T12 RR44
Tel: +353 (0)21 427 9229
Dublin: 12 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, D02 WF53
Tel: +353 (0)1 685 6101
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Pre-purchase surveys

A Pre-purchase Survey Report, also known as an Engineer's Report is undertaken by an engineer on behalf of the purchaser prior to completing the purchase of a property.

The Engineer's Report, which is required by your solicitor and mortgage lender, is undertaken to identify any defects, structural or otherwise within the property. The cost of rectifying any such defects can run into tens of thousands of euros, depending on the seriousness of the defect.

An Engineer's Report will identify any major defects within a property and we also prepare costings for rectifying issues prior to you purchasing the property, potentially saving you thousands of euros.

Call or email us today to discuss how we can meet your engineering or architectural requirements:
Cork: 55 South Mall, Cork, T12 RR44
Tel: +353 (0)21 427 9229
Dublin: 12 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, D02 WF53
Tel: +353 (0)1 685 6101

Phi Consulting Engineers are a Cork based engineering and architectural consultancy serving Cork City and its surrounds.
Copyright Phi Consulting Engineers 2019, Company Reg. 620497, VAT No. 3565285DH
A: 55 South Mall, Cork T: +353 (0)21 427 9229 E:

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